
The Speed of Spam


So this site is not that new, but only recently have I started putting a bit more energy into it, adding content and making it work better, faster etc. So this morning, I added a new contact form to the Contact Me page, this form had never existed before. It took literally 7 minutes from saving the page with the form for me to receive the first spam submission. Seven minutes! The site...

Google Analytics Channel Groupings


If you are looking into customising or editing the default channel groupings in Google Analytics you are now in the right place. I have done this dozens of times, and have pulled together a number of useful resources to help, and added my own understanding too.
This guide for Annie at Annielytics is a great place to start:
The Definitive Guide to Channels in Google Analytics



Contact me if you are interested in collaborating or want to know more about the services I provide or the training courses I produce. If you are selling something, especially links, please don’t waste your time!

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